Accept, except
Accept To recieve Example: I accept this award. Except To exclude Example: Everyone except Becky was invited to the party.
Affect, effect
Affect To influence (also has to do with emotion); usually a verb Example: The game will affect the standings. Effect To cause (verb) or a result (noun) Example: He miscalculated the effect of his actions.
Allude, refer
Allude To speak of it without specifically mentioning it Example: We can only allude to some of these points. Refer To mention it directly Example: I was referring to my cat Whiskers.
Among, between
Among Introduces more than two Example: The debate among Jones, Ford and Olajuwon continued after their playing years. Between Introduces two items; also is the correct word when expressing the relationship of three or more items considered one pair at a time Example: I cannot decide between the chocolate and the strawberry flavors. Example: Negotiations on a debate format are under way between the network and the Ford, Carter, and McCarthy committees.
Anticipate, expect
Anticipate To expect and prepare for something Example: They have anticipated it by adding more seats to the auditorium. Expect To believe something will happen (without preparation) Example: They expect a record crowd.
Bus, Buss
Bus Transport in a communal road vehicle Example: Managerial staff was bused in and out of the factory. Buss A kiss Example: The man and woman bussed or kissed before the ceremony.
Carat, Karat
Carat The weight of a diamond or precious stone Example: The man gave his wife a 2- carat diamond ring. Karat The measurement of the proportion of pure gold Example: That is 24- karat gold.
Cement, concrete
Cement The powder mixed with water and sand or gravel Example: I mixed cement with water. Concrete The result of cement; it makes pavement, driveways, etc. Example: The precious English countryside may soon be concreted over.
Character, reputation
Character Moral qualities Example: It is not in my character to steal from the store. Reputation The way a person is viewed by others Example: Thankfully my reputation at school is positive.
Complementary, complimentary
Complementary To enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other Example: The husband and wife have complementary careers. Complimentary Expressing a compliment; given or supplied free of charge Example: They received complimentary tickets to the show.
Convince, persuade
Convince Cause to believe that something or of something; to change his or her mind Example: John convinced Marsha of his good intentions. Persuade Cause to do something Example: Jeff persuaded Jenny to marry him.
Disc, Disk
Disc Use for phonograph records; optical and laser-based devices (DVD, CD, etc.) Example: The old record disc played smooth tunes. Disk Use for computer-related references and medical references Example: I put an old-fashioned computer disk into the old 486 computer.
Discreet, discrete
Discreet Prudent; careful Example: “I’m afraid I was not very discreet,” she wrote. Discrete Detached or separated Example: There are four discrete sounds from a quadraphonic system.
Disinterested, uninterested
Disinterested Impartial (which is usually the better word to convey the thought) Example: We went to a mediator because she is a disinterested party. Uninterested Lacks interest Example: Ben is uninterested in science.
Each other, one another
Each Other Two people interacting Example: We help each other. One Another More than two people interacting Example: We help one another.
Emigrate, immigrate
Emigrate To leave a country Example: The thinker decided to emigrate from Europe and settle in the Caribbean. Immigrate To enter into a country Example: At first chance, the refugee decided to immigrate to America.
Engine, motor
Engine Develops its own power Example: The plane has two engines. Motor Receives power from an outside source Example: I plugged in the motor of the electric fan.
Ensure, insure
Ensure Make certain Example: Steps were taken to ensure accuracy. Insure For references to insurance Example: The policy insures his life.
Farther, further
Farther Refers to a physical distance Example: He walked farther into the woods. Further Refers to an extension of time or degree Example: She will look further into the mystery.
Faze, phase
Faze To embarrass or disturb Example: The snub did not faze her. Phase An aspect or stage Example: They will phase in a new system.
Felony, misdemeanor
Felony A serious crime Example: He pleaded guilty for six felonies. Misdemeanor A minor offense against the law Example: The player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor.
Fewer, less
Fewer For individual items that are countable Example: Fewer than 10 applicants called. Less For bulk or quantity that is not countable Example: There is less water in the reservoir this year.
Flair, flare
Flair Conspicuous talent or style. Example: He has a flair for the excellent. Flare Meaning to blaze with sudden, bright light or a burst out in anger. Example: There was a sudden flare of flames.
Flay, flail
Flay To whip or beat (someone) so harshly as to remove their skin Example: Matthew flayed them viciously with a branch. Flail To wave or swing or cause to wave or swing wildly Example: His arms were flailing helplessly.
Flounder, founder

A fish; to move clumsily or jerkily; to flop about
Example: The fish floundered on land.

To bog down; to become disabled; to sink
Example: The ship floundered in the heavy seas for hours, then foundered.

Gamut, gantlet, gauntlet

A scale of notes; any complete range or extent
Example: Her hand ached as she finished the gamut.

An ordeal
Example: He ran away from the gantlet.

An armored glove
Example: The knight put on his gauntlet and prepared for the fight.

Impassable, impassible

Passage is impossible.
Example: The bridge was impassable.

A lack of sensitivity to pain or suffering; an inability to be affected.
Example: She was impassible throughout the ordeal.

Imply, infer

Writers or speakers suggest in the words they use.
Example: When the president said, “I have a red line after which I can choose a new course,” he implied military action.

A listener or reader concludes something from the words.
Example: I inferred that I should bring an umbrella when the weather report suggested rain.

Jail, prison

To confine people serving sentences for misdemeanors or people awaiting trial or sentencing on either felony or misdemeanor charges.
Example: Seth went to jail for charges of a DUI as he awaited trial.

A generic term that may be applied to the maximum security institutions often known as penitentiaries and to the medium security facilities
Example: He has been in prison for 20 years for 1st degree murder.

Lay and laid, lie and lain

An action word that takes a direct object
Example: I will lay the book on the table.

The past tense and past participle for “lay”
Example: I laid the book on the table.

A state of reclining along a horizontal plane; it does not take a direct object.
Example: I lie down, and I sit in a chair.

The past participle of “lie”
Example: I have lain down on the bed several times to take a short nap.

Plurality, majority

More than the next highest number but no more than half of the total amount
Example: Bill Clinton won most of the electoral votes but a plurality of the popular vote at 44 percent.

More than half of an amount
Example: The majority of the houses on the block were destroyed.

Pretense, pretext

A false show; an overt act intended to conceal personal feelings
Example: My profuse compliments were all pretense.

Something that is put forward to conceal a truth
Example: He was discharged for tardiness, but the reason given was only a pretext for general incompetence.

Principal, principle

Someone or something first in rank, authority, importance or degree
Example: He was the principal player in the trade. Money is the principal problem.

A fundamental truth, law, doctrine or motivating force
Example: They fought for the principle of self-determination.

Shall, will

An expression of determination
Example: We shall overcome.

Expressing the future tense or inevitable events
Example: Accidents will happen.

Stanch, staunch

To stop or restrict (verb)
Example: He stanched the flow of blood.

Strong or firm (adjective)
Example: She is a stanch supporter of equality.

That, which

In referring to inanimate objects and to animals without names; used for essential clauses (important to the meaning of a sentence) without commas
Example: I remember the day that we met.

In referring to inanimate objects and to animals without names; used for nonessential clauses (where the pronoun is less necessary) with commas
Example: The team, which finished last a year ago, is in first place.

Their, there, they're

A plural possessive pronoun
Example: They went to their house

Indicates direction.
Example: There is no food on the table.

A contraction for they are.
Example: They’re ready to go.